The Arc of Bristol County began in 1959 as a grassroots organization of parents whose children had intellectual and developmental disabilities. Families who once believed they were alone found support and fellowship among other families facing the same challenges. It is an organization with a track record of 64 years, helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to gain many of the rights afforded by citizenship. They work, they own homes, and they contribute to the rich diversity of their community. The Arc’s advocacy, research, programming and outreach have played a pivotal role in these advances.
Today, The Arc of Bristol County provides a wide array of supportive services to over 2,600 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families, helping them to maximize their talents and abilities, develop independent living skills, and participate as contributing citizens of their communities.
The mission of The Arc of Bristol County is “To foster community partnerships, promote individual advocacy and create a pathway for growth and innovation by offering exceptional support and services to people with all abilities through the attraction, development and retention of superior talent who passionately demonstrate best practices.” The Arc of Bristol County embodies a community-based approach to address the ongoing needs of individuals and families. We are a person-centered organization that is dedicated to providing life-long supports for an individual to grow and achieve their personal goals. Our community outreach serves to educate and foster inclusive opportunities for the individuals we support throughout their communities.